
How to talk to or about or with us lol

¿What do y& go by collectively?

Collectively wei go by a few things; Crystal, Cluster, The Cluster, Crystal Cluster, or CC (C.C./cc/Cc/etc). This moniker functions as both a singletsona as well as kinda-sorta vims own thing/identity. It's complicated. Given in the naming scheme wei chose, wei're a cluster of plurans and fly under the plural/median flags rather than system, DID, or multiple. Generally wei try to remove any medicalizaed terms from muir descriptors.

¿How should people refer to y&?

Wei prefer being referred to as wei present. So if talking to a singular pluran, address them rather then CC or another.

¿What terms to avoid?

Wei prefer non-medicalized terms, and also avoid terms that point to the others just being fractional... like alter, or facet.

¿Who in y&r cluster are people most likely to interact with?

CC, Dorothy and Peqe are muir current most likely fronters. Info on them can be found on their pages.

¿Will folx be interacting with any child members? ¿How should they treat them?

Peqe and Slime are both youngsters-ish. Patience is appreciated, though shouldn't be much needed.

¿Are there any cluster members who are nonverbal or otherwise have difficulty communicating? ¿What should folx expect when speaking with them?

Slime at times has peculiar manner of speaking. Sometimes sticking to particular questions, if there's a problem another pluran should/can poke out to help. Feel free to ask.

¿What should people do if they don't know who's at front?

Online spaces wei usually announce or rather have pk announce for muis who is out front. If there comes a time where that is insuffficent it's probably safe to assume CC is out front, but asking won't offend muis.

¿Is it okay for folx to ask if they can talk to a pluran who isn't at front at the moment?

Wei don't consider it offensive to ask, but it's not always possible. If it becomes a habit it could be seen as taking favourites though. Sometimes a pluran is just asleep or not around, and at those times wei can pass along a message... though whether that's wanted or not is up to the asker.

¿If folx talk to a pluran, will others in the cluster be aware of the conversation? ¿Will they be actively watching, or just able to remember it later?

Memories pass through pretty easily, but memory is poor cluster-wide. That said even if something is remembered in perfect clarity having not been in the front during that moment means there will be no emotional memory to it. So it sort of feels akin to recalling that the sky is blue ¿Like recalling random non-emotional facts.

¿If more than one of the cluster will be aware of a conversation, will they want to chime in? ¿If folx want to speak to a cluster member one-on-one, what expectations can they have and how should they communicate this?

Yes, there are often moments where something will spark another to take over a conversation or to leave a small comment. It can be requested and depending on if the goal/tone of a conversation stays the same that might be kept to a minimum. If it's really needed it's best to ask about having muis try to keep that in control.

¿How out are y&? What should folx do when talking to folx who don't know y&'re plural?

Wei are fairly in the closest in terms of offline folx, so when engaging with any of those it's best to default to whatever name and pronouns they are using for muis, or whatever screenname wei have. If not interacting with offline folx that wei would know, than it is ok to talk about muis and even link this website to help others learn about muis!

¿Do y& have any internal communication difficulties, memory issues, switch triggers, etc that others should be mindful of?

Wei communicate atm, far better over a medium like discord than internally, muir headspace is rather... fritzy. CC has memory issues and it passes down fairly hard. So far the only triggers wei know of are related to peqe (more on that on peqe's page), and it's fine to have peqe come out whenever.

¿Y&r stance on being asked questions?

Wei welcome questions of all kinds, wei'll let folx know if they've touched on something wei'd rather not talk about.

Questionaire ideas taken from:Here!