
First person pronouns

Wei go by wei/muis/muir/muirs/muirselves, as coined here.

Second person pronouns

For 2P pronouns, wei replace the standard you/yours etc, with y&/y&r/y&r/y&rs/y&rself. Wei coined these muirselves, and differing from the previous link where the & sound becomes ‘n, the "and" fully replaces the all sounds after the y. Such that it reads and sounds like yand/yander/yander/yanders/yandersel(f/ves).

Third person pronouns

They/them/their/theirs/themselves works and is kind of the default. Though the best to use would be muir custom set of vi/ven/vims/vets/viself. Pronounced as /vaɪ̯ vɛn vɪms vɛts vaɪ̯ˈsɛlf/ or /V(eye) v(e as in bend)n v(i as in prim)ms v(e as in bet)ts and v(eye)self/.


CC does not like the english possesive form on the shorthand of vims name.
Can still refer to things wei own like Crystal Cluster's blank, or vims, or Crystal's, or Cluster's.
But for CC it'd be:"That book belongs to CC."
No "'s" for shorthand, please, thanksᵎ